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02 - March 9, 2010

The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2010
Present: Mike Deming, Paul McDonald, David Thurston, Jim Hutchinson. Staff: Stephen Selvek

Absent: Betty Lewis

Mike Deming calls the meeting to order

Minutes of the April 14, 2009, August 11, 2009, October 13 and December 8, 2009 Meetings.

Stephen Selvek - If there are no corrections or comments the minutes will stand as they are.  

Minutes of February 9, 2010

Motion to accept the minutes of February 9, 2010 made by David Thurston, seconded by Jim Hutchinson. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Certificates of Appropriateness.

1) 6 Fitch Ave

Kevin and Beth Hoey – house is currently sided with cedar shakes and have been coming off. Would like to install polymer siding resembling cedar shakes on the house and shed. Hoping to replace shutters in the future.

Mike Deming – this material does not meet the guidelines at all.

Jim Hutchinson – you can’t tell these from cedar when installed.

Mike Deming – the ordinance state to replace in kind, this does not meet that criteria.  They would have to prove a hardship concerning use of in kind replacement.

Jim Hutchinson – in theory it is not a permanent change. It could be removed and reverted back as it was originally.

David Thurston – could make that argument about most projects.

Kevin Hoey – there is nothing historical about the house – it just happens to be before the Bed & Breakfast.

David Thurston – questions standard for hardship.

Stephen Selvek – overall character of the house. Would have to be installed to replicate what is there. There is no application with this to change the windows or door trim. We need to look at a comparison of costs, the polymer vs. the cedar.  Work does need to be done. There are concerns with approving a polymer product but it can be done if it looks appropriate. I recommend consideration of the project but look at the ordinance, we want to preserve historic quality but at the same time to preserve the home also.

Mike Deming – would like to see someplace where it’s already been installed.

David Thurston – imagines the cedar shakes would be much more plus more maintenance. Economics would lean toward allowing the polymer.

Mike Deming – the cost comparison must be part of the application, we can’t just assume.

Stephen Selvek – if only one section or one wall required repair then I’d say, yes, repair in kind but in this situation the entire house needs to be done.  Also, each project is a case by case basis depending on multiple factors and doesn’t automatically allow the use overall.  Also, I don’t see any support form Council on a negative decision. They would quickly overturn it.  At this point the applicant needs an estimate of replacement in kind including the painting/staining and an estimate of the polymer.

Mike Deming – that house is actually a contributing factor for its architecture.

Kevin Hoey – will approval be from Staff or this Board?

Mike Deming – will have to come back for a formal vote.

Motion to table made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by David Thurston. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

2) 42 Grover St.

Dixie Maciulewicz – would like to replace some windows for more energy efficiency. Working with a company that does historic houses and will look exactly as the existing.

Stephen Selvek – replace windows will be used to replace upper and lower sashes. The Board has approved in the past as long as the overall appearance is retained. There is concern with vinyl windows due to grills being between the glass panes as this is not a historical feature. This company does very high end, double hung, sash over sash vinyl with an exterior grill. There will be no physical change to the outside of the window itself.  In this case, as we have allowed wooden clad in other materials, I feel this is appropriate.

Mike Deming – questions if they should be uniform in the same style for all windows.

Stephen Selvek – not concerned if they are single or double hung.  The grills are not glued on, they snap into the frame.

Jim Hutchinson – suggests double hung for ease in cleaning. Suggests using 6 over 6 pattern in the grills.

Stephen Selvek – think of what’s appropriate. We don’t have an actual architectural history of the house. 6 over 6 is more common. Would recommend double hung with 6 over 6 grill pattern.

Jim Hutchinson – so moved.  Also, look at the kitchen window for an appropriate grill pattern due to its size. Seconded by David Thurston. All members vote approval. Motion carried.  David Thurston states that he has had past business dealings with the family.  Mike Deming states that does not preclude him from voting.

Mike Deming – states tractor-trailer at 107 South St. is in violation.

Stephen Selvek – will check with Brian Hicks.

Jim Hutchinson – suggests letters to the City Manager concerning owners who do not follow though with the requirements from this Board.

Stephen Selvek – we do work with owners to minimize impacts but this Council is very much owners’ rights.

Jim Hutchinson – brings up that many of the Board member terms have expired and need to be reinstated.

Next meeting schedule for April 13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by Alicia McKeen